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1965 Russ and Louise’s Weddings


This is a collection of photos taken at Russ and Louise’s wedding.
The first three pictures show the bride, her sisters and cousin posing before leaving for the church.
In the next two, taken at the groom’s house, we see the men all decked out in the traditional white coat and black bow tie and then the women wearing their fanciest clothes before they left for the wedding.
The next three were taken during the entrance ceremony at the church. The twins as ring-bearers carried pillows, which were made by the groom’s mother and used in several other weddings, including their own.
Next we have two shots from the wedding breakfast.
The last one was taken on groom’s front porch during the afternoon “run-around”. For the younger crowd, it was customary, way back in the old days, to have a morning wedding followed by a breakfast at a restaurant for the wedding party and immediate family (ours was at the Cheshire Inn). In the afternoon, the wedding party went somewhere scenic for pictures (ours was the Jewel Box) and then visited the the bride’s house, the groom’s house and maybe a few other places (we saw Sister Marcelline and a few other nuns at the Villa of Sacred Heart). Finally there was an evening reception (ours was at the Big Club on the Hill). Yes, it was a full day.